Viseu, Portugal / sep 2021
Partners: Eco Quinta Moinhos do Dão
The resulting performance of a 9-day artistic residency. Exploring the intersection of nature connection & so-called regenerative culture. I aimed to process, synthesize and share insights into nature connection & regeneration. Why do they require each other? How can I access and trust animate intelligence (i.e. non-rational) and foster an integrated intelligence to guide my actions?
The resulting performance of a 9-day artistic residency. Exploring the intersection of nature connection & so-called regenerative culture. I aimed to process, synthesize and share insights into nature connection & regeneration. Why do they require each other? How can I access and trust animate intelligence (i.e. non-rational) and foster an integrated intelligence to guide my actions?
The bell rings.
Whoever is not going first should ask the other person, "would you please tell me a story about the relationship of nature and you?"
As partners, you walk together along the string as slowly as you like. One person is telling the story to the other.
The listener is silent the whole time. Embrace the awkward, embrace whatever is there. You must always keep one point of contact with the thread or something touching it.
After 10 minutes I'll ring the bell again, that's your cue to turn around as a pair, and begin walking towards the center again.
At that moment, it's the other person's turn to tell their story.
"Would you please tell me a story about the relationship of nature and you?"